The North Drop is Where the Big Fish are!
Blue Marlin Sport Fishing

The strikingly beautiful blue marlin is the largest of the Atlantic marlins and one of the biggest fish in the world.
Females, which are significantly larger than males, can reach 14 feet in length and weigh more than 1,985 pounds.
Average sizes tend to be in the range of 11 feet and 200 to 400 pounds.

Serious anglers rig heavy and expect to fight a marlin for as long as 4-6 hours!
Mark Your Calendar, Aug - Dec is Prime Time for Marlin Fishing!
August through December is the prime Blue Marlin season, although it’s possible to find the odd White Marlin in these waters all year round.

OMG, Marlin Fishing Separates the Men from the Boys! Are You Ready for This?

Marlin Fishing Success
The blue marlin is one of the open ocean's fastest, strongest predators and one of the most highly sought after game fishes everywhere that it lives.
This may be the ultimate of the big game fish.